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Looking Beyond Conventional Definitions.
In an exclusive with Hotel and Catering Middle East, JS Anand, Founder and CEO of Leva Hotels declares how the traditional hotel industry is dead, advocating for a shift towards providing extraordinary customer experiences. Based on 22 years of experience, he stresses upon the importance of adapting to changing customer needs and adopting a customer-centric approach.
The feature highlights his key learnings, including the realization that luxury doesn’t guarantee success and customers seek value and unique experiences. He further discusses expanding into diverse regions like Africa and Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the need to align with local preferences.
Read more about his insights and unconventional take here (page 56-57): https://www.hotelnewsme.com/digital-magazine/hotel-catering-news-middle-east-november-2023-issue
A huge shoutout to Hotel And Catering and Seymone for this feature!